Stack of newspapers
Local Community Archives
Are you interested in local history? Browse the library's collection of archived newspapers from 1893 - 1973 (scattered collection), from your own home. Digitization of the library's microfilm collection was sponsored by the Fort Recovery Friends of the Library. For help or more information, contact the library at 419-375-2869.

Home Page

Volunteer Opportunities

Library volunteers play an important role in fulfilling our mission to offer programs and learning experiences to the community in order to enhance learning and literacy. Volunteer opportunities may include the following:

* Story time (reading or helping with crafts)

* Checking shelves

* Creating displays and/or display items

* Volunteering with our Friends of the Library organization.

If you are interested in donating your time and talents, please Contact Us at 419-375-2869.


*Audio-Enabled Books

* Books on CD

* Digital Content

* E-books

* High school yearbooks

* Inter-library loans

* Large print books

* Magazines

* Music CD's

* Newspapers

* Playaways


* DVD & Blu-Ray collection

* Mobile Hotspots

* Launchpads

Fines and Fees

* Overdue fees for books and magazines are $0.20 per day per item.

* Overdue fees for CDs and audio books are $0.50 per day per item.

* Overdue fees for DVDs and Blu-Rays are $1.00 per day per item.

* Overdue fees for Mobile Hotspots are $5.00 per day. 

* A patron will pay up to $15.00 for fines. Any amount above $15.00 for overdue fees will be waived.

* In the event an item is lost, patrons will be assessed a $2.00 processing fee in addition to the cost of replacing the item.

Internet Use

The Fort Recovery Public library offers Internet access to patrons free of charge. Patrons wanting to use the Internet must read the acceptable Internet Use Policy and sign an agreement to comply with these policies. Please be aware that:

* The Fort Recovery Public Library is not responsible for content available on the internet.

* Patrons must have a library card present and must sign in at the circulation desk.

* Patrons under 18 must sign an agreement form along with a parent or guardian to use the Internet.

Lending Policy

* Every patron must show his/her library card to check out materials.

* Lost cards will be replaced for a $2.00 fee.

* Items can be renewed in person, online, or by phone no more than 2 times. If the item is requested by another patron, it may not be renewed.

* Patrons under 18 years of age cannot check out Blu-Rays or  DVDs.

* Patrons are limited to 10 (ten) movies at a time.

Library Card

To obtain a library card:

* Patrons are requested to show a photo id or piece of mail that shows current address information.

* A legal guardian must sign for patrons under 18.

* Patrons must provide their current address, phone number and date of birth.

* Patrons may be asked for an e-mail address or cell number to receive electronic notifications for held items and items that are due or overdue.

* Lost library cards can be replaced for a fee of $2.00

Loan Periods

The circulation periods for library materials are as follows:

* Books                       28 days

* Audio books             14 days

* Magazines                14 days

* DVDs, Blu-Rays       14 days

* CDs                          14 days