Training For Non-Profit Organizations

  Dates & times
  Category Adults
  Age Groups


Minding the Business While Changing the World: Reporting and Fiduciary Responsibilities 
     The Friends of the Library is hosting an evening of learning for any local non-profict organization on Tuesday, October 30th at 6:00 PM at the Library. Charities strengthen our communities in countless ways and the volunteers associated with these groups are often passionate about the cause. Sometimes there is a lot less enthusiasm for paying attention to board governance, legal fiduciary obligations and reporting requirements. But charities ignore these important concepts at their own peril. If groups fail to take care of business properly, the entire organization can be jeopardized. This training will include a review of the basic requirements all charitable organizations have, and provide easy-to-follow tips for board members who try to do their jobs responsibly in order to protect the organization and the beneficiaries of the group's efforts.
     Beth Short, who handles outreach and education for the Ohio Attorney General's Charitable Law Section, has spent her career working for and with nonprofit organizations. Her passion for the nonprofit sector is evidenced by her professional and volunteer background working with charities as a staff member, board member, consultant and volunteer for large and small organizations. She brings a background in journalism, legislative and public affairs and training, complemented by a master’s in business that focused on nonprofit management issues. Her work in the Charitable Law Section focuses on the development of strategies aimed at strengthening the nonprofit sector. She is a graduate of the Ohio State University and Ohio University.